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I'd like to be able to distribute secure code updates (encrypted) to clients along with an application that can program the STM32H743 over USB.The STM32CubeProgrammer works well with our board, but does not provide any security as far as I know for t...
On the H743VIT6 I am seeing a strong spike on the VDDA line every time the 32 samples are completed and DMA triggers to copy them to memory.This is causes the samples to have a 1500 Hz signal with 4 harmonics in the data.The board is 4-layer, solid g...
I've been testing the ADC_RESOLUTION_14B_OPT mode of the H743VIT6 ADCs but I cannot see any changes at all, not reduced power or noise.Searching ADC_RESOLUTION_14B_OPT lists nothing.Does this mode actually do anything?
I'm trying to optimize the H743's hardware oversampling on ADC1 & 2 at 384KHz sampling rate, it reduces the noise but I'd like some advice on the settings.The H743 ref. manual state that the oversampling Ratio values are 0 - 1023, setting the number ...
In the RM the section on the hardware oversampling "25.4.31 Oversampler" is quite brief in it's explication, it states that "There are no changes for conversion timings in oversampled mode: the sample time is maintained equal during the whole oversam...
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