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USB Suspend/resume in STM32F7

Hi,I want to put the USB bus into SUSPEND/RESUME state, currently I'm using gState in USBH_HandleTypeDef to manually put the device into HOST_SUSPENDED state and similarly to move to the Idle state I'm manually assigning gState to be HOST_IDLE.With t...

Resolved! How can I find the registers' addresses of STM32L053R8

To Andrew, SofLi Hy Andrew and SofLi. I well received your last informations posted this week-end. Therefore it was week-end. I test a NUCLEO board without ST-link; my computer is a Mac-mini and the NUCLEO board offers capabilities to be separate in ...

butterfly by Associate III
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LIN problem after MCU(STM32G473) replacement.

CUBEMX, STM32G473 MCU is used.LIN communication worked well when using STM32F103, but after replacing only the MCU on the PCB board, LIN communication does not work.When the MCU was replaced, the HAL_Delay() function did not work,'#define USER_VECT_T...

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SJ_KIM by Associate
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Pitch, yaw and roll

Hello,i have used the library i aploaded to calculate roll, pitch and yaw.I am using MPU6050 with STM32F103C8 and KEIL IDE.For pitch and roll i get good results but i cann't get the result for yaw.I use kalman filter for that. 

hamo by Senior
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UART interrupt reception issue in STM32G4

Hi,I am working with STM32G4.I am communicating with STM32G4 with other controller through  UART interrupt communication. The data is transmitting and receiving between stm32g4 and other mcu. Some times I am not receiving the data properly from other...