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Ran into a issue with a fresh blank project, only USB OTG HS turned on. Computer would recognize the usb device but as soon as I would turn any level of optimization on the computer would no longer detect the usb and show it as connected.  I was able...
This is on a STM32H723ZGT6 Ok for testing i went to a blank project with only the usb turned on. Set asUSB OTG HSDEVICE ONLYHIDUsing the defaults for everything. With no optimization it works and shows up correctly. With any kind of optimization turn...
Hello Got a weird issue, to further test I created  blank project with no other code to rule out conflict. When I put in HAL_SPI_Receive_IT(&hspi3, SPI_RX_BUF, 2);,According to my logic analyzer, the clk and data pins stay high and dont move. When I ...
So I got i2s working great on a stm32f4 based on this video has DMA set to circular, half word. and we start the i2s with HAL_I2SEx_TransmitReceive_DMA (&hi2s2, txBuf, rxBuf, 4); 4 being...
HelloI've seen tons of posts about this, I'm hoping I'm just missing something simple, I would really love to get this working. STM32H723ZG, DMA TX works, I can send a sine wave fine but the RX buffer never changes and is never filled. I've put the R...
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