2024-03-28 9:35 AM
I am unable to switch on the AUTOFF bit in ADC4.
DS reads about ADC_PWRR/AUTOFF: The software is allowed to write this bit only when ADEN bit is cleared to 0 (this ensures that no conversion is ongoing).
But if this bit is set, the ADC doesn't set ADRDY flag if enabled.
while(!LL_ADC_IsActiveFlag_ADRDY(ADC4)) {} // here waits forever
If I omit the ADRDY check and simply wait some time and then I start the conversion, the ADC works and converts inputs correctly.
If I omit the AUTOFF setting, the code works ok. If I try to set the bit after enable, the bit remain unchanged (acording to DS)..
My question is: How to set the AUTOFF bit? Isn't it a bug in silicon?
2024-05-02 8:47 AM
Hi @Tomas Hamouz,
Coming back to your question, I hope it was solved since the time you asked it. That would be interesting to share your findings.
On my side, I have following 2 proposals:
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