STM32 MCUs products

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New possibilities for the ultra-low power segment!

STM32U0 is the first Cortex-M0+ with a static consumption of only 160 nA in standby mode with RTC (Real-Time Clock) and 16 nA in shutdown. It also achieves 118 points in CoreMark and targets SESIP level 3 and PSA level 1 focusing on firmware code pro...


Resolved! UART receiving issue at low clock speed

Hi All,Microcontroller running on 2Mhz clock speed, UART is configured at 115200 baud, Transmitting is working fine but facing issue while receiving data by interrupt, UART error occurred but not showing error number(huart.error =0, NO frame error, p...

vchau.2 by Associate III
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STM32H743zit6 After the timing interrupt is enabled, the interrupt callback function is executed repeatedly, and other programs cannot be executed?

CUBEMX Settings as above:The callback function is as follows:void HAL_TIM_PeriodElapsedCallback(TIM_HandleTypeDef *htim)   {   if(htim->Instance == TIM2)   {   LL_GPIO_TogglePin(CLK_GPIO_Port,CLK_Pin);   }   }The call code is as follows:USB_pri...

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AASD.1 by Associate III
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Atoi() and HAL_UART

Hello, My question is about language C.My nucleo receive some AT Command (from my pc) and i have write a function for compute the command.Ex : AT+SPEED? > return "SPEED" (only).>I 'm able to get only the command (by print over uart).>My command is st...

jlecl.1 by Associate III
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