2024-04-28 11:56 PM
Hello ST team,
I am working on a POC for USB, in which I need to use two classes (Custom HID and CDC) both at a time. And for this I want to generate a code without using Azure RTOS.
Can anyone help me out with this to get a sample code without RTOS and to use Custom HID and CDC both at a time.
Thanks in advance
2024-04-29 12:58 AM
Check this repo on GitHub for H5 products, you can find examples of HID class for USB without AzureRTOS
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2024-04-29 2:14 AM
Thanks for the quick response. The repo which you shared is having only examples for one class. I need a reference example for usage of two classes at a time (custom hid + cdc) i.e composite examples.
please help me with this
2024-04-29 2:22 AM
2024-04-29 5:36 AM
In my experience, this is easy and very excellent solution for STM32 USB Composite devices.
2024-04-30 2:27 AM
Hello Hardrock,
Thanks for the lead. Although I generated a code using AL94.I-CUBE-USBD-COMPOSITE.1.0.3.pack software package I am still facing some issue in device discovery. Attaching snapshot for the reference.
Kindly anyone help me to resolve this and please let me know will this AL94.I-CUBE-USBD-COMPOSITE.1.0.3.pack software package is compactible for H5 as well.
2024-04-30 3:03 AM
1. You must install "STM32 Virtual COM Port Driver" for USB CDC in your PC.
2. For the USB Composite CDC and HID, you have to design the custom interface respectively.
[USB CDC] usbd_cdc_acm_if.c
[USB HID] usbd_hid_custom_if.c
for example, CDC_Receive() in usbd_cdc_acm_if.c
this sample interface just echo back on same channel.
* USB COM RX Interface : CDC_Receive()
* USB COM TX Interface : CDC_Transmit()
static int8_t CDC_Receive(uint8_t cdc_ch, uint8_t *Buf, uint32_t *Len)
//HAL_UART_Transmit_DMA(CDC_CH_To_UART_Handle(cdc_ch), Buf, *Len);
CDC_Transmit(cdc_ch, Buf, *Len); // echo back on same channel
USBD_CDC_SetRxBuffer(cdc_ch, &hUsbDevice, &Buf[0]);
USBD_CDC_ReceivePacket(cdc_ch, &hUsbDevice);
return (USBD_OK);