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Resolved! How to use SD card and eMMC together in STM32H7

안녕.최근에 STM32H753XI를 사용하여 맞춤형 보드를 만들었습니다.보드의 초기 테스트를 위해 각 주변 장치에 대한 테스트를 실행하고 있습니다. 대부분의 경우 잘 작동하지만 SD 및 eMMC 사용에 문제가 있습니다.내 보드에는 SD 슬롯 1개와 eMMC가 포함되어 있습니다.eMMC는 SDMMC1에 연결되고 SD는 SDMMC2에 연결됩니다.그리고 둘 다 FatFS에 연결하여 파일 시스템으로 사용합니다.둘 다 각각 사용할 때 매우 잘 작동합니다...

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Resolved! Target H723 with IAR EW for ARM 8.50.x

Hi, I would like to migrate a code on STM32F271 to a chip STM32H723 while using IAR EW 8.50.xMy problem is that H723 is not in the target list for  IAR EW 8.50.5I can target H723 with IAR EW 9.20 but in that way I loose compatibility with other softw...

Resolved! Mismatch of DTCM-RAM cache attribute in documentation

In Figure 1 of the reference manual RM0433 for the STM32H743 (and STM32H742, STM32H753, STM32H750) no connection between cache and DTCM-RAM exists.  For all I know this is correct since the DTCM-RAM is not cachable.Table 7 on the other hand shows tha...

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dmocom by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32u5a9 hexa-spi PSRAM issue

I am attempting to bring up a custom board using a STM32U5A9 chip. I modeled the board off of the STM32u5a9j-dk dev kit (the one with a circular screen). I've been able to get our LCD screen to work over DSI and touchGFX currently runs fine.Now I am ...

nwm_35 by Associate III
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STM32F103VFT6 99CBK 93 A MYS 99 322

Hi  Since almost 10 years I'm working with STM32F103VF microcontroller with KEIL IDE, and I don't have any problem. But yesterday I received the last batch from my PCB manufacturer, and it installs that reference STM32F103VFT6 as always, but I can't ...

FLast.14 by Associate III
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Problem with "HAL_UART_Transmit_IT" function

Hi, I've a problem with function HAL_UART_Transmit_IT.If I call this function with global data array, there isn't a problem, but If I call it with a non global data array, I receive wrong data.This is a sample code:void SendData() { uint8_t s[10]...

SDall.11 by Associate III
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Resolved! STM32H723 Flash is filled with 0 after erase and write

HelloI am running a NUCLEO-H723ZG board.User data is saved to internal flash from within the application according to the following procedure: unlock the flash, erase, program. None of the operations return errors. When monitoring the memory, everyth...

Makandra by Associate II
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