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STM32WB55 Nucleo with IMU (LSM6DSV16X) HAL_ERROR

Running into a weird issue with my teams and I's capstone senior project. We are using the Nucleo dev boards and connecting it to IMU in the title via I2C. When running either HAL_I2C_Mem_Read or HAL_I2C_IsDeviceReady the status we get back is HAL_ER...

JJcompE by Associate
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Erase - unlock STM32L083

I am using STM32L083 and need to erase it using J-Link. If it is locked at Level1, I also need to unlock it. My goal is to completely erase the entire Flash memory. I believe I have an error in the process, as I have been unsuccessful in both erasing...

JR2963 by Senior II
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Resolved! STM32U5A5: USB HS without XTAL oscillator - WORKS

Struggling to get my own STM32U5A5 board working... the USB HS PHY was not working, until... (see below).I was confused also with this thread: told me actually as well:...

tjaekel by Lead
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Resolved! STM32C011J4M6 conflict on pin

Hello everyone,I have a question about the STM32C011J4M6 in S08N package.I am developping a PCB with this MCU and want to use an LSE like in the picture below.Then I also want to program and debug my MCU with an stlinkv3 and will use the SWD debug so...

Pierre75_0-1705586401952.png Pierre75_1-1705586566297.png
Pierre75 by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32 GPIO pin small output voltage

Hi,I am switching PB12 on/off with 1 second delay on STM32F030C8T6. Measuring with the multimeter, the HIGH state is only 0.2 volts, even though Vdd is 3.3V. I have turned off all things that could be drawing too much power from the MCU. Other pins o...

JS8 by Senior
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