USB OTG Sample
Hi team, I am working on USB recently, wanted to try the OTG application. I want to understand the OTG working is there any project or sample code or docs available for the same? if yes, plz share me the reference. Thanks,Shikamru
Hi team, I am working on USB recently, wanted to try the OTG application. I want to understand the OTG working is there any project or sample code or docs available for the same? if yes, plz share me the reference. Thanks,Shikamru
I want to know if the OV5678 image sensor will support STM32L496AG.?
Hi,can anyone please provide help/sample/tutorial on how to read two different ADC Pins on my STM32L031F6 using STM32CubeIDE, idealy without DMA, but with would also work.I have two analog signals on PA2 and PA3 and would like to read them. I suppose...
Hello All, I am working on a custom desing board having STM32L053C8T6. It uses IrDA setup for the communication. I have setup the MCU at 131KHz as System clock to achieve Low power consumption (currently 65uA). Now i need to communicate with the PC u...
I use OCTOSPI as SPI master and listen via SPI3 as Slave (in SW NCS mode) what was sent from master.SPI3 Slave fails for clock speed 80 MHz (larger as 54 MHz:(Symptoms:the data bytes on SPI3 slave are wrong (they look like shifted by one bit)running ...
Hi.I made a custom board using stm32f767connect Coincell (CR1220) to VBAT and turn it off, I think I'm going into some modeSometimes it does not go into the main when the power is turned on again, and the battery life is short when the power is turne...
Hi everyone can you Please help me to solve this problem,In stm32mp1, Modbus RTU HW handshake communication is not established after Timeout,So after timeout try to reconnect againCTS line is always highCTSIF SR is getting set,Busy flag is set,And RT...
Hi all,I was trying to write to the codec (WM8994) I2C3 in the STM32F746 Disco board without luck. After trying a few things and looking at the data on my scope I realized the codec was not acknowledging the address. The problem is I was using 0x68 (...
STM says: OCTOSPI can generate a "regular SPI" transaction. But is not true:A "regular SPI transaction" means actually on OCTOSPI: a half-duplex SPI transaction (using just IO0, but for both directions).I you want to generate a "regular" SPI transact...
Hi, when configure MCU to deep sleep mode as the low power mode, it seems okay when debugging. But, when only power up STM32C0 by just connected its vcc and ground, it do not enter its interrupt. How can I solve it?My project goals are to achieve low...