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Forum Posts

Resolved! RTC Problem

I use the NUCLEOH563-ZI board and I want to use RTC. I configured the RTC with the LSI clock. I loaded a default date/time. On the other hand, my time does not change...My Init code :My source code to retrieve the timeThank you for your help !Ghislai...

Ghislain_Clement_0-1706261618957.png Ghislain_Clement_1-1706261681609.png

Resolved! TIM configuration in interrupt mode

 I am making use of TIMERs in STM32 in interrupt mode, and my doubt lies in its settings.It is known the formula to calculate the update event is given by: UpdateEvent = Timerclock / (Prescaler+1)(Period+1)​​Considering that the TimerClock is 48MHz a...

GComes by Associate II
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Nucleo-H745ZI-Q collegata a pmod I2S2

Salve,  il problema che riscontro con il seguente codice è quello di vedere in debug il caricamento dell'array tx da 4 a 7.  Anche provando a debuggare line by line vedo che il codice entra solo nella funzione  HAL_I2SEx_TxRxCpltCallback senza mai ri...

USB Video Class Host (UVC) into STM32xx HAL

Posted on November 22, 2017 at 18:06Hi,Actually the question is for ST. There are all examples and support of all USB host classes except just one - Video Class. I don't understand why it happens? Are there some road map to add it? And question to f...

Resolved! STM32H750XBHX W25Q64 bad test

Hello!I have an ART_PI board with STM32H750XBHX MCU and W25Q64 FLASH IC on it.I want to make my own loader, but it doesn't work as it should.Running until the memcmp cycle, I look at the memory map. But the content is not good. There are values 00000...

Resolved! STM32F407 pulls up pins when debugging

Hello people, i am making a project using STM32F407VG and i am using a timer that drives a laser. The problem is, when debugging STM is probably pulling couple of its pins to High state before i start F8 (between pressing the 'Debug' button and F8 to...

erincyldz by Associate III
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