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About SPI simplex communication.

This question is about SPI simplex communication.Is there any sample code that realizes SPI simplex communication only by register operations?Also, is there any sample code that uses HAL or LL?I would like to know both cases of sending and receiving....

Resolved! Handle Variable Length Transmission over Uart

Hi!I am somewhat unclear on how to handle variable length transmissions using the STM32F4xx HAL. I have looked at other solutions, and suggestions have been made to use HAL_UARTEx_ReceiveToIdle_DMA() or the ISR equivalent.My situation however, involv...

Resolved! STM32F401 reserving flash sector for config

On STM32F401CCU6I'm trying to reserve these 2sectors for user config in gcc linker script:  Sector - Address ini ~ Address end - Size Sector 0 - 0x0800 0000 ~ 0x0800 3FFF - 16 Kbytes Sector 1 - 0x0800 4000 ~ 0x0800 7FFF - 16 Kbytes RESERVE Sector ...

mrx23 by Associate III
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What to do with unused opamp pins

We want to use the STM32U585QII6Q for a new design, and I want to know what I need to do with the dedicated OPAMP VINM pins on this package. We don't want to use the OPAMPs. Do I leave these dedicated pins floating or should I connect them to GND?I c...

Resolved! STM32F429I-DISC1 debug issue

Hi.I was in the middle of a debug session in a simple application for the STM32F429I-DISC1 in Keil uVision. I disconnected my board from the computer without ending the debugging session. When I reconnected my board, it wasn't detected anymore and it...

jacobvdz by Associate
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Resolved! How to trigger IRQ on overflow only?

I am trying to configure TIM3 to reset on incoming PWM pulses and call IRQ on overflow, when pulses not coming. The prescaler and ARR are set for 150% of the PWM period. TIM3 in slave reset mode on trigger from CH2 input. MCU is STM32G051F8P.For some...

maple by Associate II
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STM32U5[Ax] Usb Host Multi-Packet Data Toggling

Hi all, I am not able to fully understand how the DATA0/DATA1 toggling works when performing multi-packets transmissions. For "multi-packet" transmission I mean that the "num_packets" in USB_OTG_HCTSIZ_PKTCNT register is greater than 1, (i.e. I want ...

bluluiss by Associate II
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Resolved! Automatically entering and exiting bootloader

Is there a way to make STM32Cube Programmer controls a pair of pins in a CH340 or similar USB to TTL converter, to be able to control BOOT0 and NRST pins of an StM32 micro? I would like to make  a simple circuit that permits entering and exiting a bo...

Castelo by Associate II
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