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Forum Posts

Resolved! SD-CARD implementation with SDMMC and FatFS

Hello,i have a question concerning the SD-Card functionality and the licensee fee of the SDMMC implementation of the STM32H723ZG.My goal is to log some data on the card. According to the documentation, the FatFs-Filesystem can be used under a BSD-sty...

bhoppe by Associate
  • 2 replies
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Resolved! CAN1 communication doesnt work on nucleo-l433rc-p

Hi I'm new in working with CAN-bus. My project involves two stm32 boards (both are nucleo-l433rc-p) and I want to get CAN-bus communication between them. The code is supposed to make a build in LED blink each time the blue button on the main nucleo b...

Mr4_0-1709590357897.png Mr4_1-1709590366849.png Mr4_2-1709590413932.png Mr4_3-1709590425372.png
Mr4 by Associate III
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USB Host MTP/PTP to digital camera

Hello, I'm testing the STM3240G-eval with the USB host MTP. The goal is to retrieve the photo from a canon EOS 100.The camera uses PTP protocol.As the demonstration  code read .wav file, I wrote a wav file to the root of the SD card. The digital came...

PCu1 by Senior
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Getting TXUNDERR while writing data to eMMC

Hello -> We are using a custom board with STM32H745 controller and 8GB eMMC communicated with sdmmc. -> getting SDMMC_FLAG_TXUNDERR bit after writing 64 bytes to eMMC. But i am giving 1k buffer array to write. -> eMMC initialization, reading logic bl...