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TCS with wire

I am starting a project in which I need touch sensors. With the help on chat gpt I have come up with this code. while (1){key = HAL_TSC_GroupGetValue(&htsc, TSC_GROUP1_IO2);printf("%d\n",key);/* USER CODE END WHILE *//* USER CODE BEGIN 3 */}I have sa...

mihaheh by Associate
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STM32F303R8T6 - ADC + DMA not working

Hello Team ST, I am working on ADC setup using DMA, where upon the conversion completion the ADC values shall be transfered to memory using DMA. The ADC and DMA configurations are as shown in snap below.The DMA settings are as follows.The initializat...

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vdd by Associate II
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Resolved! Help with ADC + DMA integration.

Hello.I want to integrate ADC with DMA, and calculate the average count of all convertions.I'm using the following code:In adc.c:```if(HAL_ADC_PollForConversion(&hadc1, 10) == HAL_OK) {uint16_t value = HAL_ADC_GetValue(&hadc1);USART_Send("%.3f", valu...

nortex by Associate
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Recover bricked STM32 MCU | STM32G041F6P6

During the process of configuring option bytes, we unfortunately got few MCUs bricked (unresponsive). In these devices, i was getting the following errors when trying to flash using STM32 programmer. (Tried both GUI and CLI with various reset modes a...


littleFS using STM32L4 HAL and EMMC chip

Hey!I'm stumbling around with integrating littleFS using STM32 HAL library and EMMC 4GB chip, and any help would be greatly appreciated.I modified FATFS EMMC example so that it uses littleFS. I changed nothing in the SDMMC driver, so since it worked ...

kikib by Associate II
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Resolved! Some of CAN packet have trouble.

Hello. I am developing CAN communication protocols using STM32F429.However there is a problem in sending CAN frame data. Here is a picture which I captured in CAN TX using logic analyzer, and as you can see, the series of data is losted after first d...

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Resolved! How do I set correct stdID for CAN-BUS?

Hi! I've seen some tutorials on can communication and notice that each of them use different StdId's. I'm using two nucle-l433rc-p boards, do I need a specific StdId or will any number between  0 and 0x7FF suffice?  

Mr4 by Associate III
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