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Ethernet phy crystal oscillator in STM32H7xxI-EVAL

HiI design a board based on the STM32H7xxI-EVAL, the ethernet PHY is LAN8742A-CZ-TR and according to its the datasheet the crystal specification the drive level need to be 300uW but the maximum drive of X53T-C20SSA-25.000MHz level is only 100uW.Did y...

IMor.1 by Associate II
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STM32F303 Comparator & ADC for AC RMS measurements

I come from the PJRC Teensy 4.x after many years playing around with it and building a product or two based on it. (NXP IMXRT chip)But for a new project I need to be able to rapidly calculate the RMS value of an AC sine wave from an audio signal, wit...

DResn.1 by Associate II
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STM32F3 CAN Bus example using HAL Library

Posted on December 20, 2017 at 18:49Hello,I'm trying to bring up the CAN bus on the STM23F303RE nucleo board and am having some difficulty determining which way to go.  I've been unable to find a HAL library example for this platform.  Can anyone po...

Resolved! Changed a few #define -> cube IDE goes nuts.

How in the world is this happening now? Just made some changes there. Renamed and changed the values.The first line has "missing whitespace after the macro name" Aprilfools day is still not here yet!  

Tobe by Senior III
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GENERATE PWM using ADC values

if (HAL_GPIO_ReadPin(USER_Btn_GPIO_Port, USER_Btn_Pin)){HAL_GPIO_WritePin(TIGGER_GPIO_Port, TIGGER_Pin, GPIO_PIN_SET);HAL_ADC_Start_IT(&hadc1);HAL_TIM_PWM_Start_DMA(&htim1, TIM_CHANNEL_1,(uint32_t*) pwmData1, 300);HAL_GPIO_WritePin(TIGGER_GPIO_Port, ...

Resolved! How many GPIO pins can be used on H563ZI

I am a new user of H563ZI, and I have read the datasheet. I wonder if all pins that can be viewed in cubeIDE can be used as a GPIO pin?For example, as mentioned in the datasheet, PB2 is used as QSPI_CK when solder bridge configurations are not change...

hchienti by Associate II
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STM32H7 osKernelStart faults to HardFault handler

Hi AllI am working on a data logger code. It is basic at the moment.1, set a an ISRTimmer for 1sec.2, When ISR triggered i set DataLoggerFlag.3, Next loop thru main() i test DataLoggerFlag, if set go to a function and read A0, A1 ports and store back...

DaveBy2 by Associate
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Reg. USB HOST HID Class Keyboard Implementation

Hello,I have been using STM USB HOST HID class library to implement the USB keyboard on my STM32F429ZI custom board. I have been able to successfully enumerate the USB keyboard and getting the key pressed on the keyboard using the custom keyread() fu...

shefu by Associate II
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Hello everyone.I have to create an arbitrary waveform generator via DAC starting from a lookup array of 32 elements at least with 10bit resolution. However, I must be able to reach frequencies of around 300Khz. I wonder, which evaluation board can I ...

AntoR by Associate III
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