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Hi,I had previously set up a USB serial  communication that has been working with multiple STM32 types and in multiple projects. With the latest update to STM32CubeIDE Version: 1.15.0 Build: 20695_20240315_1429 (UTC) I had a problem.Problem: unassign...
I am developing an application using TIM3 with Direct-mode capture compare to measure short pulse widths of 1 to 32 microsec. I am using a Nucleo H7A3ZI-Q board for development. The clock speed is 260 MHz. The Direct capture compare on Ch1 is set the...
I am trying to make a precise delayed pulse for my project that does not use interrupts. I plant to use TIM1 or TIM8 on a STM32H7A3 using the TI2FP2 input to trigger and reset the counter in one-pulse mode.  I tried the method describe in website.  C...
I have problems porting a H743Zi2 code to a H753. When using the .ioc file editor with the ADC the option to set the ADC clock prescalar is not present for the H753. It is there for the H743. The coeersponding line in the main.c code is not present e...
I developing an application where I need to use 14 bit ADC sampling at 2 MS/s. This needs a fast ADC clock speed. I am using a V version chip that has a built-in /2 divider on the ADC clock. When I upgraded to STMCube FW V1-9.0 the other week, the c...
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