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Forum Posts

Init SRam with Zero for SRamParityChecking

Posted on October 31, 2014 at 14:09 I use STM32F030F4 and want to use SRam-parity-checking. The reference manual hints: ''When enabling the RAM parity check, it is advised to initialize by software the whole RAM memory at the beginni...

klaus2 by Associate II
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F303, nrf24l01 interfacing problems

Posted on October 29, 2014 at 14:19I tried porting someone else's code here: to F3 (his is for the F1 family).I'm using one of the

arolsen by Associate II
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ST-LINK/V2 works on CooCox?

Posted on October 29, 2014 at 01:37Hello.I am new in ARM development and I am trying CooCox. I want to buy a debugger and I would to know if I will be able to use ST-LINK/V2 with CooCox.Thanks in advance. #debug-stm32-using-st-link/v2

TIM clock

Posted on October 31, 2014 at 10:41Hello, I want to make a timer for my software (call a call back when time is finish). I need to understand the clock source for the timer. I choose to work with TIM7 for that (basic timer). As I see, using RCC_GetC...

yohann by Associate II
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ADC dual slow interleaved mode

Posted on October 31, 2014 at 14:42Dear all, for my application on an STM32F205x the ADC dual slow interleaved mode is the most suitable mode for sampling an analogue signal. In AN3116 both the fast and slow interleaved modes are described. Addition...

Touchscreen and I2C bus on STM32F429I DISCO

Posted on October 09, 2014 at 16:59Hi,I am running on an STM32F429I DISCO board and are trying to get the touchscreen to work in an application using the I2C bus, but I cannot get the touchscreen to run at the same time as the I2C.For the I2C bus I ...

mats23 by Associate II
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STM32L151RB I2C Busy flag always set

Posted on February 17, 2014 at 23:55Hi!I've a custom made board with STM32L15RB microcontroller. My I2C1 is not working well: I see the Busy flag going SET when I activate the APB1 Clock (RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB1Periph_I2C1, ENABLE);)With a l...

alby87 by Associate II
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STM32F100 firmware update tool

Posted on October 30, 2014 at 11:30Hi dear community, Cannot find any ready-to-use Windows tool, which would allow me to upload firmware to STM32F100C8 using its embedded bootloader and USART1 interface. All DFU tools I found supports only USB inter...

do by Associate
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STM32F103 and I2C issue - No ACK from slave

Posted on February 22, 2013 at 14:56 Hi everyone, first of all i've to tell you that i'm new with I2C bus. I'm using I2C1 on STM32F103 ARM to communicate with an I2C eeprom (24LC256). I can see both SCL and SDA on my scope but it seems t...
