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Hello,i have the inemo-m1 board,  bought waaay back in 2015... back then i remember i managed to work with some sample code from ST.However years have passed... and would be great to find a download location for the sample code.I have tryied searchin...
Hello,i am using stm32f410rb device, where i want to do some things at 100mhz using HSI only, and pll.After this i am puting the device in sleep mode, and  provide wakeup using the rtc interupt.The HSE is not used. My problem is that before sending t...
Hello, i have imported a tcp echo server example, using the old stdperiph code. So far everything is working as expected. Apart from the original code, i've implemented my own function to send a custom string. But on the client side, for example if i...
Hello,i am using stm32f103C6 ( 48 pin device) and i use TIM1 Channel 3N to generate a pwm via PB15 pin. The tricky part is that i am using SPI12 in receive only master mode.Therefore MOSI pin is not used, but since i have little pins available, i...
Hello,i am using on stm32f103 timer2 where channel1 & channel2 are used as input capture for reading a external rotary encoder.Since my design is quite tight ( using almost all pins available), i need to generate a PWM for an external LCD backlight ...
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