User Activity

In the docu's of VL53L3CX I couldn't find the size of SPAD array. For VL53L1X it was 16x16 pixels, but couldn't find actual data for VL53L3CX.
I need to change all occurences of variable names. These names happen to be in a lot of .C and .H files hundred times. Source is from a collegue with "xz2b3" kinda variable names. I'd like to change variables to longer, more talkative names. Some ID...
I use STM32Cube_FW_F0_V1.6.0\Drivers\STM32F0xx_HAL_Driver\STM32F070xB_User_Manual.chm for help. These files are from 2016 and seem abandoned. Are there newer versions to download or is there online version (they are compiled HTMLs) of them with the...
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