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Forum Posts

USB host issue in CDC mode

Hello everyone,I am developing firmware for the STM32F7508-DK discovery board, and I'm utilizing TouchGFX for the GUI aspect of the project. However, I am encountering a problem when enabling USB-FS HOST functionality. The GUI and other peripherals s...

iSaeed62 by Associate II
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STM32WB5MM CPU2 bootup issue if image of CPU1 is relocated

Hi,I am using stm32WB5MM, I have bootloader which is located on regular start address 0x8000000.Bootloader executes image which is located on some other location (location is divisible by 0x400 as required).For that image I changed linker file and xx...

zax by Associate II
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Reduce Current consumption upto 3.8mA

Configured the controller stm32l151c8t6a to work in low power run mode ( UART peripheral running) but the current consumption is going upto 6.2mA. After disabling the uart peripheral the consumption decreases upto 4.2mA. In real situation we are goin...

Did something ***, now no flash memory.

I was trying to change an option byte from the embedded bootloader of an stm32u5 over canFD.  Long story short I sent it some messages that were not formatted correctly and It looks like I have bricked the chip.  Trying to connect in stm32cubeprog wi...

brohr01 by Associate III
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STM32F303RE: PWMs utilizing Timers with Phase Shift

Hello,I am assisting with the firmware development of a dual-active bridge converter and I am trying to create a phase-shifted PWM signal that will control the switches. Creating the phase shift is proving challenging, but I had an idea that I believ...

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KMew by Senior III
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Resolved! synchronize two timers with each other

Hi,I'm working with a STM32F439 and I set both timers, timer3 & timer4 to produce a 460ns pulse at a 50Hz frequency with their PWM feature. Now I need to be able to control their offset to each other with the ability to set it to 0. But it appears li...

debug by Associate III
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Resolved! Issues with STM32H7 and SPI on trasmission

Hello,I'm just started using a nucleo-h742x. I have configured the SPI and the Fatfs library using the default settings, the SPI speed was configured at speed below 1Mbit/s. The sys clock is below 100MHz.I always get disk_not_ready error when trying ...

frnt by Senior
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