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Forum Posts

Resolved! Alarm waking up befor 1 Min when after 2 or 3 days

i am using stm32f41ceu6 with RTC and RCC in that we are using LSE  with 100HZ if i set  Alarm  for 1H or more then still working but after 2 or 3 days it wakeup early befor one Minexample i set alarm at 11:30 then it will wakeup after one hour that t...

STM32F407 Waveform with TIM and DMA

Hello, Hope you're well. I want to create a waveform using a Hardware Timer and DMA. Upon looking at other posts in the forum, it seems the best approach from what I have seen is to use a Timer in Output Compare Mode along with a DMA to transfer the ...

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daded.1 by Associate II
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Read-only SPI Master bus traffic

I have a read-only SPI master. Here’s the code: SpiHandle.Init.Mode = SPI_MODE_MASTER; SpiHandle.Init.Direction = SPI_DIRECTION_2LINES_RXONLY; SpiHandle.Init.DataSize = SPI_DATASIZE_16BIT; SpiHandle.Init.CLKPolarity = SPI_POLARITY_LOW; SpiHandle.Init...

SoCalJim by Associate III
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Hello everyone, I'm really in crisis. I have a STM32F303VC discovery microcontroller and I'm developing a program to make it communicate with LABVIEW through USART. LABVIEW can communicate only through the COM ports of the PC. The problem is that wh...

ferraro by Associate
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Resolved! Problems controlling SK6812RGBW/Neopixel with STM32H7

I'm trying to control a strip of 9 SK6812RGBW LED's with an STM32H757XIH6 microcontroller. I've been through a couple of tutorials on how to use DMA to control the PWM, and I've gone with this tutorial as a base.I've read a few threads on the forum b...

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gcoard by Associate II
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Resolved! FMC does not trigger Write Enable on SRAM

Hi,I have interfaced an STM32H723 to an MRAM that is SRAM compatible, using FMC.. The memory is SRAM compatible, 20bit address and 16bit data. The main control pins for the memory are: CHIP ENABLE (~E), WRITE ENABLE (~W) and OUTPUT ENABLE (~G). FMC c...

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SOgal.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32H563 I2C Stuck Busy

Hello everyone, I am writing some code to control an IS31FL3736 LED Matrix Driver which communicates over I2C. I am using a Nucleo H563 as the devboard. I have 4.7k pullup resistors on the SDA and SCL lines. I am using I2C4 with PG6 & PG7 as the SDA ...

SETAASA command I3C

Hello!I have an i3c target device which has a static address, datasheet says I need to send SETAASA command to start communicating with the device.I tried doing, #define SETAASA 0x29#define STATIC_ADRESS 0x47I3C_CCCTypeDef aSET_AASA= { /*Target...

kvganesh by Associate
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