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Forum Posts

interfacing RMII and configuring its clock

I'm trying to get the ethernet initialization work. I am currently dealing with MX_ETH_Init(); failing in error handler as the software reset is not happening with the phy driver. I believe my clocks are not configured properly as per manual :    As ...

surendersampath_0-1732206016954.png surendersampath_1-1732206051507.png

inconsistent Calibrations values.

Hi.. Can anyone tell me why the ADC Calibration value is not the same before and after I initialize the DACIt seems that the value maxes out if I calibrate after I have initialized the DAC.The calibration register is 7 bits.The ADC also measures inco...

spa23 by Associate III
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Resolved! Reading data with BRS on fdcan line

  I am using STM32H5RE23T6. I implemented the function of receiving data from the FDCAN line. When I select FDCAN mode without BRS, it works without any problems. When I select with BRS mode.I set the arbitration phase to 1mbps.I set the data phase t...

CANZT-FD by Associate II
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Resolved! USART used as GPIO to send break signal for DMX-512

Hello!I am just getting started with STM32 universe. I've already finished my first project using the IDE SW4STM32 and I board I've designed using the STM32F070CBT. I've also used STM32CubeMX to generate the basic code.I wanted to keep using this boa...