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Password for USB Device

I am using STM32F4 MCU in USB device MSC mode with data stored on SD card. I have also standard 16X2 LCD & Membrane keypad connected to MCU I want to make interface where once USB device is connected to laptop, the data is showed on laptop after ente...

Nico3 by Senior
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Floating point calculation in STM32L431CBT6

Dear all,I am having some issues with precision of floating point calculations with STM32L431CBT6.As one can see that when I do floating point calculation I am getting 1.23000002 instead of 1.23.Can anyone suggest more efficient and accurate way to d...

DKhan.1 by Associate II
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Which boot should I use on my L476?

I'm looking for a simple solution to update firmware on my application developed on a STM32L476, with the minimum effort.As far as I understood this chip already has a boot on it that allows to get data via UART1 and a proprietary protocol from STM.I...

Resolved! Detect Debugger Connected To STM32L0 ?

Posted on December 13, 2017 at 17:32   In Cortex-M3, M4, etc, we can just check the DEBUGEN bit in DHCSR (the Debug Halting Control and Status Register) in Cortex-M...

STM32L452CEU6 48QFPN STOP mode issue

Hi,We are using STM32L452CEU6 with 48QFPN package and trying implement sleep mode 2 inside Azure rtos threadx. But the device is not entering stop mode even after calling the HAL_PWREx_EnterSTOP2Mode(). But it works fine if I call it before calling M...


I am trying to design my own microcontroller and I am following this video  here the guy is using the ams1117 as his linear regulator which has a current output of 1 A, wouldn't this fry the MCU? I read the datasheet for the stm32f405 and in the min/...

seezar by Associate
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