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Hi. I am using the STM32H7S78-DK board.In STM32CubeIDE, I checked the example for jpeg_encodingFromXSPI_DMA. When the encoding is finished and the LD1 LED turns green, how can I retrieve the size of the encoded jpgBuffer as a variable?What I've tried...
Hello.In STM32H7S7L8HXH_flash_default_app.ld, it is set to __FLASH_BEGIN = 0x08000000,In STM32H7S7L8HXH_RAMxspi1_ROMxspi2_app.ld, it is set to __FLASH_BEGIN = 0x70000000.In fact, 0x08000000 is not uploaded, and 0x70000000 is uploaded and works.Can I ...
Hello. I'm working with the dcmipp example on the STM32H7S78-DK board. I'd like to receive jpeg data continuously from snapshot in combination with continuous mode example. Besides register setting in OV5640_Config, ioc setting for dcmipp and mode pa...
Hello,I am using the model from 'STM32 AI Model Zoo' located at 'stm32ai-modelzoo/image_classification/pretrained_models/mobilenetv2/ST_pretrainedmodel_public_dataset/flowers/mobilenet_v2_0.35_128_tl' for image classification. I have installed and te...