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Hi I am trying to generate a Dc volatge ramp signal 0 to 1v and 1v to 0 I want to stop the signal on pressing the user button pc13.I am able stop the dac but the output on pin PA4 with respect to gnd  is 0.02V #include "stm32f4xx_hal.h" // Define DA...
    /* USER CODE BEGIN Header */ /** ******************************************************************************* * @file : main.c * @brief : Main program body ************************************************************...
Hi Everyone I am using Internal adc to sample 2 channels of adc using polling methodI am not able to reduce the number of samples per cycle by changing prescaler or Sampling timeI can only control the samples per cycle by giving software delay -->   ...
Hi everyoneI want to measure a small voltage of 10mv-50mv of a sine wave.Can i use Internal adc of nucleo board ? what is the lowest voltage i can measure using internal adc.
HI EveryoneI am using Nucleof446RE board for uart communication through usb cable which is also my power supplyIs it possible to use external 5V supply for MCU and use USB cable only for uart communication or any uart to usb converters are needed to ...