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HI EveryoneI am using Nucleof446RE board for uart communication through usb cable which is also my power supplyIs it possible to use external 5V supply for MCU and use USB cable only for uart communication or any uart to usb converters are needed to ...
Hello everyone  I want to interface ads115 Adc with stm32f446re nucleo. All the necessary connection between ads1115 and stm32 are made with I2c Can I get the example source code to read multiple channels.As I am not able to get values from adcIs any...
HiI am trying to communicate between arm processor and nucleo board through uart The processor has a type b usb , to interface with computer.For the same usb I am connecting my Nucelo board through usb type B mini and sending the data through itWhen ...
Hi I am trying to commuicate between two boards through UART.One board is nucleof4 and other board is a processor.Im sending a data from nucleo to other board(where data gets displayed) through HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart1,(uint8_t*)"Connect",sizeof("Co...
I'm using nucleo f446 board for adc sampling the internal adc is unidirectional. Is there any other development board like nucleo or discovery with internal ADC which can give both positive and negative cycle of adcPlease suggest me so that I can avo...