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Forum Posts

STM32H743 pwm interrupts with high frequency

Greetings!I generate periodically a 10MHz PWM signal of 8 pulses. The PWM signal has high polarity so the first edge is falling. I need to generate an interrupt/event on the rising edge that'll signal DMA to move data from a GPIO IDR to a data buffer...

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Pyry by Associate II
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Standby mode and wakeup issues using wakeup pin

Hi i am working with stm32l051c8t6 , i am using wakeup pin 1 to wakeup from standby mode, weather is that possible to make the wakeup pin should act as wakeup pin and also as external interrupt, it should wakeup when an external interrupt is detected...

Resolved! I2C1 problem in STM32F401 with LSM6DSLTR

Hi,I have custom developed board that uses STM32F401RCT6TR as MCU. I have LSM6DSLTR IMU sensor on the board and MCU is communicating with IMU using I2C1 channel (PB6 and PB7). I also have 2.4" screen (ILI9341) that displays IMU values and external EE...

shydv15 by Associate II
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STM32F769I Disc:Is the function of stm32f769i dico's QSPI DDR normal?When I used the ddr mode, I could send data using 1line, but when I used 4line, the device was busy until the timeout error occurred, and the data could not be sent normally.However...

shanxing by Associate II
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Maintaining CPU data cache coherence for DMA buffers

This topic is inspired by discussions in ST forum and ARM forum, where a proper cache maintenance was sorted out and an example of a real-life speculative read was detected. Also there is another discussion, where a real-life example of cache evictio...

Piranha by Chief II
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ethernet controller with MII interface

Dear Sir, Good morning!I use STM32F407vgt6. I need chip ethernet controller with MII interface from STM. I previously used DP83848 from Texas Instr. Please recommend me ethernet controller from STMTIASincerely,Vladimir Naumenkov

Vo1 by Associate
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Resolved! STM32F407ZGT7 reset when write to SPI1 DR

When i debug SPI1 on STM32F407, program will jump to 0x00 when write DR register, MCU reset and loop continuely. when i measure the SCLK signal using oscillator, SCLK is always high after SPI1 is enabled  When i write to DR of SPI1, the code jump to ...

SPI too slow

Hi,I am using SPI on STM32H74II MCUFirst I am using a software NSS and not a Hardware NSS because it doesn't work.I need to transmit 1 byte and receive 1 byte, the two commands one after another see the simple code below : RFID_SS_ENABLE;   statu...

JKhal by Associate III
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