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STM32F4 Timer DMA requests

Hello Team,I am using the STM32F469NIH6 to implement a timer triggered DMA and I need some clarity on a few points here-I see that that there are three possible requests possible for a timer triggered DMA. I understand that the TIM8_UP is to trigger ...

Jansunil by Associate II
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Resolved! Program won't run after upload

I have designed my own PCB and I have the problem that while the code uploads successfully, it doesn't run.I have checked NRST and BOOT0 and both should not be the problem. I have found a similar issue where the chip didn't get a clock signal and the...

Qwyntex by Associate III
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Resolved! 'F3 COMPxMODE[1:0] discrepancy

So, which is correct and which is wrong?The same is in RM313 for 'F37x.Would those who wrote/modified AN4232 pay more attention to checking the facts through actually writing test cases, rather than applying the "modern feel and look", this must have...


Resolved! [STM32H750XBH6] Output current Question

Hello,I use STM32H750XBH6, DataSheet 'Absolute maximum ratings' say that 'Output current sunk by Px_C pins' is 1mAWhat does Px C mean? Does it mean all the pins of GPIOC?Or something else? Thanks!

Passerby by Associate III
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Problem receiving the data through UART using DMA

Hi, I am using STM32F407 board to communicate with a serial device. I have been using HAL_UART_Transmit() to send the data and using HAL_UART_Receive_DMA() to receive the data. Part of the code is shown below. After every receive command I am suppose...

FR_Invalid_Object error - STM32L4R5ZI Nucleo Board

I am currently trying to get an SD card working with SPI on an STM32L4R5ZI Nucleo board, using STM32CubeIDE V1.13.2 using the latest L4 embedded package. I currently have my code opening the card and even opening the file (I receive FR_OK for both, e...

JayDev by Senior II
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input capture direct mode from remap

While setting up input capture for the stm32h743 using the IOC.  On timer 2 channel 4, I have pin conflicts, but the IOC gave me the option to use "input capture direct mode from remap".  I can not find a description of what remap means.

Leroy3 by Associate II
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Regarding distortions at pins of IC

We are using STM32H743IIK6 microcontroller. When using analog pins(ANA) to receive analog input signals, will their be interference effect if the two pins are next to each other? 

AkshayMR by Associate II
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Resolved! CORDIC q1.31 to integer conversion

Hello everyone. I want to understand the CORDIC engine, using the nucleo-u575zi board. The guide says that the cordic uses data in q1.31 format. Could please someone explain how to convert results into an ordinary int value? And how to convert an int...

Skfir by Senior
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