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About I2C Bus

Posted on December 21, 2016 at 16:03Hi all,I'm new on ST device, i'm trying to test the I2C bus but I can't understand how it works.. I do not want to use the HAL library but manage directly the register, but the I2C Interface on ST produce the stat...

STM32F4 & STM32F7 Series

Posted on December 23, 2016 at 11:39Hi,  I am a beginner to STM32F4 & STM32F7 series. I need to select a board with the STM32F4 & STM32F7 series that suits the following requirements:1. Inbuilt Ethernet Interface should be available2. Source code fo...

Resolved! I cant define a class in uV5

Posted on December 25, 2016 at 02:00I set all the pins in CubeMx,added a class to a .h filerenamed main.c to main.cppincluded the .hand 'class' is there a switch in Cube for this ? using an '091#class-undefined #uv5 #keil

T J by Lead
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STM32F767 FMC data over write?

Posted on June 23, 2016 at 00:33Hello,I am working with the Nucleo-144 but I seem to be having a data overwrite issue with the FMC. At first I was having a problem getting the LCD to show anything. I found I needed to insert a delay between each com...

Resolved! Nucleo-STM32F303K8 board

Posted on December 22, 2016 at 05:14 Hi, I just got the stm32f303k8 nucleo board to play with! I'm trying to enable the HSE in order for the board to use the on-board oscillator (X2), however it doesn't seem like it wants to turn ON. I'm using Ke...

How to declare a struct in CCM

Posted on December 22, 2016 at 18:10 Hello, I work on a STM32F4 and I want use the CCM memory to declare my structures. For example I want this kind of structure to be always declared in the CCM memory: typedef struct Assign_Pot Assign_Pot; ...

jean by Senior
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