User Activity

htim5 has been running and I need to zero the count (CNT?).Do I need to stop, de init, init, then start?Also it seems HAL_TIM_OC_Init() is being used with HAL_TIM_Base_Start_IT(() on the same timer, TIM5. It is used to to generate interrupts with a p...
The IDE will not update to the correct project. I have clicked on the .project file in the repository and the IDE goes through its gyrations but when it stops (no errors) the project I was working on yesterday is still loaded. I also tried Open Proje...
ST has a shipload of documents but I am not finding what I want.Is there a document with HALL/LL commands/syntax? If so, maybe I am not searching properly. How did you find it?JH
When I first powered up my board it ran a program that would flash the red, green, and blue LEDs at different rates upon a button press.I would like to examine the source but I cannot find it in the CubeF3 projects. Is it there? I thought it would be...
I am trying to run examples from the StmCubeF3 directory. I dbl click the project file and STM32CubeIDE comes up. When I try to build an error message states the makefile is not in the path. An ST document suggested moving my examples to a top leve...
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