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STM32L052T8 USB Support

Posted on May 08, 2017 at 16:55This package for this micro is a 36 pin WLCSP. The datasheet suggests on pg12 that it supports USB but not VDD_USB, unlike others in this range. Does this mean that the USB line voltage comes from normal VDD? 

code protection stm32l151cct6

Posted on May 12, 2017 at 13:22I'm using a stm32l151cct6 MCU and I want to protect a sector of the flash memory using Option Bytes in ST-LINK Utility.When I try to use the mode 'write protection', the application code works fine. When I try to use t...

STM32F7 internal SRAM Access

Posted on May 12, 2017 at 05:36Hello,I am using STM32F746IG. This has 320KB RAM - 64KB DTCM + 240KB(SRAM1) + 16KB(SRAM2)When my program uses 64KB, all the data is stored in DTCM and it all works fine. But when exceeds 64KB, data is stored in SRAM1(i...

Is stm32f100 compatible witn cw8060?

Posted on May 12, 2017 at 12:20Stm32f100 compatibilitywith microstep driver cw8060.I need to control CP+, CW+, EN+. Is it possible with Stm32f100?Because CP+, CW+, EN+ requires 5v. What will happen if I connect PA1 to CP+, PA2 to CW+, PA3 to EN+. St...

anton23 by Associate II
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Posted on May 12, 2017 at 11:28Hello,I use an STM32L442 in my project. I use LSE for RTC and i also use LSECSS. Even though I used a battery in VBAT pin for RTC clock, the RTC values were lost when i powered it up. After a long debugging session i f...

Resolved! SysTick discrepancy compared to regular timers

Posted on May 11, 2017 at 22:51I am using the STM32L437 part and I run into some confusion with SysTick. I set up the SysTick to run at 1ms with timer 5 as Timebase source (for comparison). As a sanity check, I also set up timers 3, 4, 6 and 7 indep...

e d by Associate II
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STM32 - Battery level

Posted on May 11, 2017 at 09:25 Hi to everyone, I am a newbie in STM32 programation and I m not actually sure that is the right way to ask my question... I hope I can find some help because I have some issues just for basic stuff. Here is a l...