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I've read the Release Notes and they say nothing about any bugs that may have been fixed going from STemwin 5.40 to 5.44 (for example the memory leak in GUI_GIF_DrawEx).Does such a document exist, if so can someone post a link to it please?Cheers
A year ago I had a lot of grief getting the JPEG peripheral working - came down to memory regions! Now I want to improve the quality by changing from JPEG_420_SUBSAMPLING to JPEG_444_SUBSAMPLING but I get random hard faults .Is it possible the jpeg ...
If I try to encode blocks of colour using the hardware JPEG encode in an F7 from a BMP image (screen memory in this case) they fail if the colour is pure (e.g. all red, all blue) and they come out different shades of green.By experiment, I have found...
I've tried both Eclipse and the VSCode Cortex debug plugin to set a conditional watchpoint but both fail (break every access irrespective of value). This I guess is due to OpenOCD not supporting the multiple compare registers in the DWT that are requ...
I'm using a spbtle-rf to scan for BLE beacons. I get the LocalName of the device scanned and its hardware 'MAC' address using either aci_gap_start_limited_discovery_proc() or aci_gap_start_general_discovery_proc() but I can't find a way of reading th...
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