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Hello everyone,I want to access the page related to STEVAL-3DP001V1 but it does not exist anymore.The page related to its firmware still exist though.Even if the board is now NRND, access to the schematics and documentation should not be lost !Can th...
Hi,I have read thoroughly RM0454, STM32G070CB datasheet and AN4187 in order to understand how to configure the DMA and DMAMUX in order to feed the CRC peripheral with FLASH data using the DMA (with CPU it is working but way slower than expected).I do...
Hello,I have a question regarding the peripheral reset registers.For the G070 device, in the RM0454, section 5.2.16, it is specified that the clock enable of a peripheral takes 2 cycles to prevent glitches. Fine.However, how do you experts use the re...
Hello,We have designed a board around a STM32G0B1CB where almost all the 48 pins are used for different stuff (lots of analog inputs, communication and PWM).It is not our first design with STM32 uC, but we are facing an issue here and I would like to...
Hello,STM32CubeProgrammer 2.13 has some bugs:See attached picture, the Target information does not report the correct flash size, although it is reading the memory size correctly at 0x1FFF75E0Why does it have to read multiple times in a row the same ...