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STM32H753BIT6 controller Radiation Emission issue

Hi All,We have design schematic using STM32H753BIT6 microcontroller and as of now we have cleared all EMI/EMC tests except Radiation emission. We could able to see the harmonics of 60MHz crossing the margin.We have System clock running at 480MHz, LCD...

Tejas_P_R by Associate II
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Resolved! How to read ADC without DMA ?????

Board: NUcleo 64-G474  I just want to read 2 channels of an ADC but am presented with a bewildering array of incredibly confusing options: Ranks, Continuous mode, discontinous mode, number of conversions, oversampling, triggers, etc, etc, etc. The em...


STM32H753 littleFS Integration

Helle everyone,I want to use the littleFS file system library that I used in my previous projects in STM32H753 Internal Flash Memory. But the fact that the block size in STM32H7 is 128K made me think a little. I normally use littleFS on 1K blocks and...

DMA RX interrupt sometimes not firing?

I have an  STM32L452 part in a system with multiple DMA and interrupt operations going on.The main problem I'm having right now is _sometimes_ I don't get the interrupt for DMA RX on UART4. Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't.I have been adjusting the ...

SKarl.3 by Associate II
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Decoupling & Vcc Pin Configuration for STM32 MCUs

Hello Community,Reaching out to you for feedback on the attached configuration for Vcc on my new STM32 based DAQ board.My objective was to reduce the inductance to the Vcc pins of the MCU (STM32G0B0RET6 64 LQFP package). Hence I clubbed three pins:A)...

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Chubs by Senior
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STM32H563ZGT6: Use both Flash banks for 1MB code

Dear community:I am currently using the STM32H563ZGT6 chip, and my code capacity exceeds 512KByte. When programming through CubeIDE, I can only burn to the 512KByte Flash of Bank1. May I ask if this chip can use Bank1 and Bank2 as a whole (as I have ...

Huijie by Associate II
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Resolved! Struggling with USART1/LIN interrupts on STM32F3

I have a design using USART1 on an STM32F3 as a LIN slave receiver using the old standard peripheral drivers from ST Micro.  The code is too much to post here, but I have LIN Break Detect and RX Not Empty interrupts enabled, and for some reason under...

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Dazai by Associate III
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