2024-10-05 10:58 AM
I am using a nucleo-F103RB. This device was functional in the past.
I am getting an error
Error in final launch sequence:
Failed to execute MI command:
target remote localhost:61239
Error message from debugger back end:
localhost:61239: Connection timed out.
Failed to execute MI command:
target remote localhost:61239
Error message from debugger back end:
localhost:61239: Connection timed out.
localhost:61239: Connection timed out.
I have tried different cables to ensure it isn't the issue. I have also changed the port number.
This is my debugger information:
I am able to upgrade my stlink chip via cube ide as shown in the image below (it detects it)
I have tried to use the stm32cubeprogrammer application too but that doesn't seem to work.
I get the below error.
However i know it is working on COM7 because the last thing i did was create a program to output some information through the USART, which it is still doing (image below).
I have also attached images of my board.
2024-10-05 12:00 PM
Maybe you did something, to block the swd , not defined degub in Cube, use swd pins for something else...
to get access :
set debug to hardware reset;
try. If not connect in IDE :
or in cubeProgrammer : set st-link, hardware reset, connect under reset.
Then full erase , to get away the "problem" program.
2024-10-05 12:37 PM
Is this what you mean?
I have changed the option to this and i still get the same error
2024-10-06 12:13 AM - edited 2024-10-06 1:08 AM
so check: boot0 lo ?
And try - as i wrote -
in CubeProgrammer : set st-link, hardware reset, connect under reset.
Then full erase , to get away the "problem" program.
show, what cubeprog telling:
If no connection with CubeProg or IDE possible, last chance:
set boot0 hi , reset or power cycle, and connect to bootloader .
If connection not working at all:
- some connection (wire) not there, check jumpers for swd/swc , connect st-link to cpu really ?
- you damaged cpu, need a new board, or replace cpu.
2024-10-06 2:47 AM
I have connected a jumper to CN4 more specificfically between pin 5 and 6 and still i get the same issue.
Am i connecting the jumper in the correct place? When i connect a jumper on that position, i don't get any ouutput on the serial cable which tells me the system must be in bootloader mode
2024-10-06 3:00 AM
here ?
And what should this do ??
still no -> show, what cubeprog telling ...
2024-10-06 3:47 AM
Can you please tell me how do i put the system into boot0 mode? I've seen the schematics and there seems to be no specific jumper for me to put this into boot0 mode.
Below is the my stm32cubeprogrammer after i had connected pin 5 and pin 6 jumper.
2024-10-06 4:16 AM
>after i had connected pin 5 and pin 6 jumper.
Leave this jumper away ! It cannot work with connected pin 5 and pin 6 .
+ -> show, what cubeprog telling ...
boot mode is more difficult, if no jumper to set. But if cpu still ok, you will get connection to st-link.
2024-10-08 10:00 AM
I have connected boot0 to high and and then tried to use stmcube to try and see if i can detect it. However i am getting the same issue (image below)
below is an image of boot0 being high.
2024-10-08 11:42 AM
You cannot connect to bootloader this way !
still missing info:
>after i had connected pin 5 and pin 6 jumper.
Leave this jumper away ! It cannot work with connected pin 5 and pin 6 .
+ -> show, what cubeprog telling ...now.