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Forum Posts

STM32F072 hang-up by CAN-Bus RX interrupt

Posted on February 21, 2017 at 06:49 Hi, I am trying to implement CAN Bus communication between two STMF072 boards and find that the communication will be lost randomly. While this situation occurs, the MCU routine loop also be stop just like ...

STMCube and multiple SPI buses

Posted on July 11, 2017 at 16:12I am using multiple AD7793 ADCs across 2 SPI buses. I have written the software for this for an STM32F205 using the STMCube construct.I can communicated with the ADCs on either bus but when I try to talk to both buses...

Using two 16bit bus SDRAM as 32bit

Posted on July 11, 2017 at 15:23Hello,I'm designing an application using STM32F469BIT6 and two AS4C4M16S 16bit bus SDRAM to be used as external program memory.My idea is to use 4 byte enable (NBL0~NBL3) sending the lower two (along data [0~15]) to o...

Resolved! STM32F411CC - (256kB) Flash Sectors

Posted on July 10, 2017 at 18:49Can anyone confirm what the Flash sector sizes are on this MCU version?All documentation lumps the F411xC with the F411xE even though the former has 256kB of flash, and the latter has 512kB. The stm32f4xx_hal_flash_ex...


USART2 does n't work on STM32F302

Posted on July 11, 2017 at 14:08Hello Everyone, I am trying to send  string on USART2 of STM32F302 but I am not succeed ,  my Code worked on USART1 and USART3. Does any one help me ?#ifdef __GNUC__   /* With GCC/RAISONANCE, small printf (option LD L...