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Hello everyone,I have carried out some experiments on five different STM32 microcontroller devices (STM32F103) measuring the values of the pull-up and pull-down resistances integrated in the GPIO. I have created a voltage divider between VDD and grou...
Hello everyone,I would like to know the technology node (i.e. 180nm, 90nm, etc.) of the STM32 microcontroller STM32F103C8T6. I can not find this information.Thanks in advance.Best regards.Marco 
Hello,I need to power the NucleoF103 development board using an external 3.3V power supply. I have read in the NucleoF103 manual that this is possible by removing SB2 (to disconnect the voltage regulator output) and SB12 (to disconnect NRST). I also ...
Posted on April 12, 2018 at 10:08I have designed a board with STM32F334R8T6. The STM32 pins are configured as in the attached file (I do not think there is a problem here since I have already used the same configuration without problems). The microc...
Posted on December 04, 2017 at 18:18I am using Nucleo F334 and STM32 Workbench as IDE.I need to build a bridge between UART2 and UART3. It should work this way: data are continously acquired on USART3_RX by interrupt and transmitted on USART2_TX.I a...