Hello everyone,I have carried out some experiments on five different STM32 microcontroller devices (STM32F103) measuring the values of the pull-up and pull-down resistances integrated in the GPIO. I have created a voltage divider between VDD and grou...
Hello everyone,I would like to know the technology node (i.e. 180nm, 90nm, etc.) of the STM32 microcontroller STM32F103C8T6. I can not find this information.Thanks in advance.Best regards.Marco
Hello,I need to power the NucleoF103 development board using an external 3.3V power supply. I have read in the NucleoF103 manual that this is possible by removing SB2 (to disconnect the voltage regulator output) and SB12 (to disconnect NRST). I also ...
Posted on April 12, 2018 at 10:08I have designed a board with STM32F334R8T6. The STM32 pins are configured as in the attached file (I do not think there is a problem here since I have already used the same configuration without problems). The microc...
Posted on December 04, 2017 at 18:18I am using Nucleo F334 and STM32 Workbench as IDE.I need to build a bridge between UART2 and UART3. It should work this way: data are continously acquired on USART3_RX by interrupt and transmitted on USART2_TX.I a...
Thanks for the information.Do you know if there are differences in the implementation of pull-up and pull-down resistors, that is, for example, pull-up are implemented using p-MOSFET and pull-down using nMOSFET?Is the pull-up/pull-down implementation...
However, if I remove the ST-Link part of the board, how can I reprogram the MCU if I need to do that? I do not need to measure sleep currents but the value of the high and low thresholds of the schmitt trigger circuit integrated in the GPIO interface...
Thanks for the information. The problem is that I must measure some characteristics of the MCU under different power supply voltages (in the allowed range 3V - 3.6V) and I am not very good at soldering small components like SB2 or SB12. I ask if the ...
I do not understand very well. The removal of SB12 assures that ST-Link is not able to send reset commands to the MCU. However, when I remove JP6, the ST-Link is not powered. Since, as explained, NRST of MCU has a pull-up resistor inside the chip to ...
Hello,I do not need to power supply the ST-Link since I have previously programmed the MCU with the firmware using the USB power supply. When programming is done, I need to switch to the external 3.3V power supply. Regarding the removal of SB12, at w...