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Forum Posts

Could not halt device (18) STM32F3

Hey everyone, new user here!In our project we are using:STM32F334R8T6STM32CubeIde Version: 1.14.1STM32CubeProgrammer release v2.17.0Debugger probe - Nucleo-F334R8 along with HAL implementation of handling communication using UART + DMA. Due to error ...

Andy6 by Associate II
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DMX512 with stm32G030K6T6

Hello, I have been working on the STM32G030K6T6 with DMX512 and TM1651 display for 8 months, and I am unable to find a solution to my problem.I am creating different patterns according to the DMX controller. One pattern involves the speed of blinking...

Arya1 by Associate II
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HAL_SPI_Transmit does not transfer 8 bits

We want to use HAL_SPI_Transmit to send data (master) in 8-bit units.However, even though we have set SPI_DATASIZE_8BIT, data is sent in 16 bits.Is there anything incorrect in the code below? uint8_t *spi_txdata;spi_txdata = (uint8_t *)malloc(2 * siz...

UART Interrupt Not working with DMA enabled

Hello ,We are encountering an issue with the USART_DMA interrupt method on the STM32G070CBT6 microcontroller. The problem is that data is only received after performing a hardware reset. We expect the data to be received continuously without needing ...

vageesh by Associate
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UART Communication Using UART to USB cable.

I'm trying to get a simple UART hello world program to work. It just transmits a buffer once per second. I've enabled UART2, enabled the interrupt, and configured the baud rate, parity, and word length. But when I open minicom I don't see anything. I...

noel by Associate II
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"Upgrade error, please try again" with ST-Link

Hello,I am facing constant difficulties in connecting to my Nucleo H723ZG Boards.Almost every time I try to update the ST-Link via STMCube32IDE, the compilation stops half-way through the process and throws an error (see image)I have tried:swapping c...

Upgrade error.png

Resolved! External trigger of STM32G474RET6 timer 3 behavior

Hello  I am working with an STM32G474RET6, using Timer 3 in one-pulse mode with an external trigger.Below is my Timer 3 initialization code:static void MX_TIM3_Init(void){/* USER CODE BEGIN TIM3_Init 0 *//* USER CODE END TIM3_Init 0 */TIM_ClockConfig...

AlexHalf by Associate III
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