User Activity

Hi, I'm working with a stm32f722 and a ublox f9p gps. I just have 2 ubx messages. One with 36 bytes long and the other with 72 bytes. They income with a variable interval between them (a couple of byte time at most, usually they come together). This ...
Hi, I would like to use cubeide (MX tool) to generate a project that use EXTI_13 but with IRQ disabled by default. I can choose Enable/Disable (generate all code or none), Create code on MSPInit function or in MX_NVIC_Init, call HAL_GPIO_EXTI_IRQHand...
Hi, I have a sensor that send data over uart to a stm32f722 uC. This sensor is powered at the same time of uC. I've noticed that some times the sensor stop sending data. For example, if the code is running ok and then reboot the uC some times the sen...
Hi, I have a problem using stm32f722 uC with HAL 1.16.0 and 1.16.1I write a simple UART send project and test it with an oscilloscope (becouse it doesn't work with the target device) and discover that HAL_UART_Transmit is sending correct bytes while ...