User Activity

Hallo, I have to use shadow registers (PREEN=1) in HRTIM slave timers. I have decided to use following configuration: UPDGAT = 0110: the update occurs on the update event following a rising edge of HRTIM update enable input 1 (hrtim_upd_en1) to perfe...
Hallo,until now we have used STLINK-V3SET connected with MIPI10 to custom evaluation board based on STM32H743.For next custom board we need cost efficient debugger solution, just like STLINK-V3MODSBut it seems not to work together.MIPI10 connector us...
Hallo,I want to update MASTER CMP1 over DMA and the others TIM_x on MASTER-update.New values of CMPx registry are calculated in SysTick_Handler() and should be updated at once.The problem is: MASTER update on DMA does not work.Could anyone please loo...
Hallo there,I use HRTIM_MASTER to retrigger HRTIM A,B;C and to trigger ADC. This works fine.Each of slave timers generate PWM signals. I works also good.As the data from ADC is ready I do recalculation of PWM duty for all 3 channels. And there is an ...
Hi there,I'm using ST_Link V3 with H743 MCU. For short debug sessions it works seamlesly.For longer run-time I have to disconnect my computer with CubeIDE and go home, but MCU stays running.Next day, I need to reconnect Debugger and check the state o...
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