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IMU sensors with DatalogTerminal not working properly

Hi, im using the nucleo F401RE with the X-NUCLEO IKS01A3 and the Steval MKI197v1, i used CubeMX to insert the x-mems1 library, the aplication DataLogTerminal and only selected the LSM6DSOX sensor (steval).I set the LSM6DSOX's SA0 pin to GND to preven...

aesteban by Associate III
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Resolved! STM32U5G7VJT6Q - 5V-tolerant pins (FT_h) for Hall encoder

Hi,MCU planned to use - STM32U5G7VJT6QPlanning to use PD12,PD13,PE0,PE3,PC7,PE5 as encoder and hall sensor pins as shown below in the image.But these signals are 5V logic. Is it okay if we give 5V to these pins?In datasheet it is mentioned as 5V tole...

NIVI by Associate III
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Flash memory protection in STM32G0B1

Hi Team,MCU: STM32G0B1Requirement: Flash memory protection is needed for the MCU code.I am using stm32g0b1 MCU for my project, where I have completed my development activities.MCU Flash contains two things. 1) MCU code 2) other important data related...

Dthum.1 by Associate III
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about PC14,PC15

I use STM32F030C8T6 recently, and uses GPIOC14,GPIOC15 as input(include interrupt,to wake up STOP MODE); Before IAP,program running correct,GPIO14 and GPIO15 wake up the program correctly. But when I use IAP to download the program,and jump to run it...

L9961 G071RB is dead ? how can I revive it ?

dear St:my L9961 seems dead :I can not drag new file to g071RB, it shows that the space is not enough; also a new file Fail.txt showd up: ”The interface firmware failed to reset/halt the target MCU”; How can I revive my MCU ? 

jingbos by Associate II
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