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Forum Posts


Posted on January 15, 2018 at 14:27I use STM32F767 series MCU,when i configure the single ADC DMA with external 200kHz trigger; The data size is right ,but data value  Error,Is my use legal?RHEOSTAT_ADC_DMA_CLK_ENABLE();DMA_Init_HandleMain.Ins...

ADC external trigger by TIM

Posted on January 15, 2018 at 12:43 I am working with ST32F091. I am trying to trigger ADC with TRGO of TIM15. I am able to drive my TIM15 independently (checked with interrupt) and ADC also independently (checked with interrupt), but I am unable to...

Strange behavior on STM32F4 USB

Posted on January 11, 2018 at 12:42Hi.I have developed some USB HID code using STM cube and seems to be working ok, in that it is seen in the device manager. However when going through the workings of this code it seems a little odd.When the current...

Resolved! STEVAL-IDB006V1

Posted on January 12, 2018 at 10:05Good morning,I was wondering if i could find the Source code for the native firmware embedded in the STEVAL-IDB006V1 ?Thank you#steval-idb006v1 #bluerng-ms

MCU Clock Frequency change

Posted on January 15, 2018 at 12:12MCU: STM32L443VCT6Hi,We have earlier generated code using CubeMX. After that, entire application have been developed on the generated code/project. But midway, there is a requirement of changing the clock frequency...

Another silly bug in the ''great'' HAL Library

Posted on January 13, 2018 at 18:32Hi Guys.I am the bare register programmer but yesterday I was asked to find the error in someone's code.And the second function called :SystemClock_Config()The timeouts are counted using the SysTick counter updated...

pj by Associate II
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STM32L4: UART problems with RX pin forked

Posted on January 15, 2018 at 10:36Hello,Rx signal from an external card is forked (by HW) to the pins of STM32L486RGT6:- UART5 RX (PD2);- PC13 (Wakeup#2).Then, a reception from UART 5 will wake up the microcontroller from Standby mode (this is OK)....

dario2 by Associate III
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Posted on January 15, 2018 at 08:33Hi,We are using STM32L151CCU6 as our new product design, this MCU only have internal reference voltage for ADC.we are having a question about its internal ADC reference voltage of STM32L151CCU6.VDDA is dirctly conn...