2018-02-17 8:02 AM
Hey everyone,
I have a circular double buffer DMA set up, the data coming into the buffer can stop at any time, I also have a fifo setup.
Once the data stops I have a callback that's called, I just want to make sure about how I'm clearing the fifo and data.
From the reference manual, to flush the FIFO I need to reset the enable bit.
So basically disable the DMA stream and then re-enable it and the fifo will flush the data to the destination?
From this I can also tell that if its less than the threshold, single transactions will take place till all new data is out.
After this I can find the buffer that's being used by looking at the DMA_SxCR regiser, bit 19 and the amount of data that's been read in by looking at the DMA_SxNDTR register(Taking the buffer value and subtracting this value)
Thanks in advance for any clarification and help.
dma-transfer fifo-buffer