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Hello, I'm writing an application on the STM32F303 Nucleo board that uses the serial UART to receive commands and send responses. I believe example code from the standard peripherals library shows either single byte transfers or fixed size buffer t...
Hello,I have an application that reads a couple of ADC channels. each time through the main loop. There's no It's a blocking ADC read so nothing else is going on when I'm reading the 2 channels. For testing purposes I have a 3V battery attached to...
Hello,I've taken the code from the Timer cookbook example TIM_ExtCLK_ETR and modified it slightly for my purposes. I removed the DMA transfer and am looking directly at the TIM2->CNT variable at a 1 second interval for right now. In this case, I'm...
Hello,We're looking at using a STM32F303RE for a project. One of the requirements is being able to measure the frequency of a square wave ranging from 1MHz - 40Mhz. I've been looking at the General-purpose timer cookbook (AN4776) and trying to get...
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