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Forum Posts

Measure frequency of many lines

Hello, I'm developing a board to control a desk pc setup.In addition to other things like controlling the lights, some motors and other stuff, the board has to control and monitor some PWM fans.The fans report back the revolutions using a tachometer,...

BRapo.1 by Associate II
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STM32H563ZI, Openocd configure and flash

Greetings! Getting back into embedded after a long while. As the title says I am wanting to use STM32H563ZI with openocd, but it is not supported out of the box. I have gone through the readme and it looks like I need to create a specific `target/stm...

tebel by Associate II
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Jump to Boot app

Hello, I am using bootloader software on stm32U5 microcontroller. After updating the software while in boot mode, the processor jumps to the user app without resetting itself. However, when jumping from the User app to the boot app, it does not switc...

cetin by Associate
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HAL_ADC_Start(&hadc1); HAL_ADC_PollForConversion(&hadc1,1000); readValue1 = HAL_ADC_GetValue(&hadc1); HAL_ADC_Stop(&hadc1); HAL_Delay(100);   HAL_ADC_Start(&hadc2); HAL_ADC_PollForConversion(&hadc2,1000); readValue2 = HAL_ADC_GetValue(&hadc2); HAL_...

Reading two PWM signals using only two channels.

Hi! Library used: Standard Peripheral Library (Yea, I must use this one)Hardware:Test bench that can generate two pwm signals ( A and B )Cable that connects the test bench to the other boardOther board that should read the signal, delivered by the ca...

Resolved! STM32 H5 I3C 0x7E start byte in I2C waveform

Hello,I am trying to use the I3C interface between STM32H563ZI in MB1404 board and NXP's temperature sensor P3T1085UK. I have found a question would like to be answered: Is there any way to send the IBI header (7'h7E) with SCL signal configured in I2...

spike_filter.png IBI_header.png
Ren1 by Associate
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