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STM32H7B0 incorrect ADC sample rate

Hey,We using an STM32H7B0 100 pins MCU.With this mcu we will sampling 1 16 bit ADC input at 1 MHz and we using a DMA in circular mode for 1000 samplesThe ADC clock works at 48Mhz, the clock precaler for the ADC is divided by 32 and the sample time is...

OGhis_2-1723818782378.png OGhis_1-1723818766460.png OGhis_0-1723818752330.png
OGhis by Senior
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Hello, I am struggling to get the TIM1 of a STM32F411 to be triggered by an external GPIO. What I want to achieve is having ETR1 (PA12) to trigger TIM1 and have 4 repetition of 199 periodI am using STCubeMX and I must do something wrong as it is not ...

vbesson by Senior
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Resolved! STM32 ST-LINK Utility program

After downloading the program using STM32 ST-LINK Utility, the download is reported as successful. However, upon power cycling the device, the program does not run. It requires clicking "Connect" again after the program has been downloaded for the pr...

Troy-1 by Associate
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Resolved! STM32 ROM bootloader, initial state and when erased

Hi,On the STM32 F4 products, there is a hardware/ROM bootloader, that can be activated through the BOOT0 pin. It works great, no issues with that.In a production environment, I would like to flash the board automatically, without manually pressing bu...

sbend by Associate II
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Tacq STM32G0x0

Hi.  We are using STM32G0x0 family in our project. We are running ADC clock at 30MHz. The sampling time is 7.5 cycles, we configure the ADC to trigger every 500uS so Trigger Frequency = 2kHz  and the resolution is 10bits. I know the Tconv = Tsampling...

Standard library for SSD1963

Posted on January 14, 2014 at 21:28Hello everybody.I am new in the foro and I'm working with stm32f4 discovery also I'm working with a TFT LCD 7'' 800x480pixels SSD1963 controller but I haven't found a standard library for this TFT, someone have an ...

Phase shift with swapping polarity

HiI am working on a STM32G484QET6 uC. On a timer I have configured two output channels with Output Compare Toggle Mode. So that I get a quadrature signal.When configuring the first value, everything works perfectly. The duty cycle is 50% and the phas...

RLD by Associate II
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Resolved! X Nucleo 53l1a1

Hi,i am trying to code Nucleo f401re with X Nucleo 53l1a1. I downloaded X CUBE 53l1a1. but unable to open the project since i am currently using a new version of cube mx. can somebody guide to me as to how to get started with new software probaly how...

vishnusf by Associate III
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