Hi, My one microsecond timer configured by CubeMx running on NUCLEO-C031C6 (STM32C031C6) is 3 times slower than it should be. The code is attached below. the call "delay_us(60000000);" takes 3+ minutes to complete - it should be done in one...
1. CubeMX only allows HAL or LL for SPI and other peripherals. STM32C031C6 itself provides the good SPI clock rate. SPI LL API function only allows two-byte R/W.. The slave STPM34 Meter IC requires 4-Byte SPI R/W. So we have to choose HAL SPI API ...
Hi, Tesla, (Continue) - Looks like need to add some API call to start running the counter? HAL has "HAL_TIM_Base_Start() ". What is the function for LL?. Please help, thanks,Rong
Hi, Tesla, The execution stucks in while((TIM3->CNT - start) < us_Count); Because TIM3->CNT does not increase. I follow your email to have the initialization below. Looks like need to add some API call to start running the counter? Plea...
Hi, Tesla, Could you give me the detail code for having 1 us timers? I used CubeMx to generate the code. "Configure the TIM in maximal mode," - How to do this? Thanks, Rong void MX_TIM3_Init(void)