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Forum Posts

TIMER1 STM32F411 Resync

Hello, I have a signal that is coming to a GPIO and the period of the signal might slightly change and I need to realign a timer each time the GPIO is on rising edge.I try to use the TIMER1 with Slave mode reset and use ETR1 as trigger source. but it...

vbesson by Senior
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Resolved! STM32U575 Clock Configuration Confusion

I have a custom board that I am getting ready to program that is using the STM32U575. I am a little confused about the clock configuration. My board has an external 32768 crystal. I am not sure I have the MX program clock configuration correct. I wan...

ScottD by Associate II
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Resolved! CAN FD Error Status

Hi,I've tried finding a document that would describe what do the different error codes mean for the CAN FD module.Does anyone have a link or an idea where to search from?My CAN FD peripheral ends up in error status 516 at some point and I can't find ...

TOlli by Senior
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VDDA related question

Hello. I have a question while looking at the datasheet.In the ai17535b, ai14125d image, 1uF and 10nF capacitors are indicated between VDDA and VDDS,but other datasheets (ex: MSv34738V1, MSv39402V2) indicate the capacitor capacitance as 1uF and 100nF...

yomi88 by Associate
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Phase shift issue in pwm generation

Hii everyone,I am working on an inverter application . trying to implement unipolar pwm in the center-aligned mode 2. I am using DMA for the buffer transmission for the sine-wave PWM. Everything seems well without the pwm synchronization. i am initia...

skuma.8 by Associate III
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PWM Generation

Hello STM Community,today while generating PWM using Alternate Function Register, I observed that for TIMER 5, Channel 1, I need not configure MOE bit in BDTR register. whereas for TIMER1, Channel 1 I had to configure the MOE bit in BDTR register. Wh...

STM32U535RET6 and LCD I2C communication

Hello!I have a major and pretty dumb problem regarding my communication between a RX2004A LCD (Documentation if needed) and a custom board with a STM32U535RET6 chipset. I'm just trying to print any message on the display. The problem is that the disp...

Zer0 by Associate II
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print messages are not coming in teraterm

Hai,I am using STM32L496ZG-P board and STM32CUBE IDE (1.15.1). I tried to print hello world in tera term using UART/USART,USB etc , i tried many programs by reffering many videos in youtube, and some docs from STM communinty link etc etc,. Maximum al...