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Resolved! GPIO registers data storing using C spy

Posted on April 07, 2018 at 07:49I have to store STM32F767ZI registers values at one line of my application code without halting my program at that line.As,I am currently trying to use C-Spy for that by using which so far I have managed to store on ...

A Maq by Senior
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F091_Cube_FW: Connect a wire between PA4 and PA4...

Posted on July 05, 2018 at 14:49Diving into STM32F091 Nucleo  Examples (STM32Cube_FW_F0_V1.9.0).Trying ADC Sequencer and find this comment in main.c:#if defined(WAVEFORM_VOLTAGE_GENERATION_FOR_TEST)/**  * @brief  For this example, generate a wavefor...

JuM by Senior
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CubeMX, STM32F091 Nucleo, ADC Scan...

Posted on July 05, 2018 at 11:39...seems not selectable in CubeMX (V4.26.0).Does F091 not allow for ADC scan sequences? We have successfully used F303 in this manner (multichannel, even different sampling times).Juergen

JuM by Senior
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STMF0 HAL ADC DMA buffer 16bit vs. 32bit

Posted on July 06, 2018 at 08:01If I declare the ADC-DMA dest buffer as   static uint32_t adc32_dma [5];and call   HAL_ADC_Start_DMA (&hadc, adc32_dma, 5);I get wrong results in dest buffer.If I declare the ADC-DMA dest buffer as   static uint16_t a...

JuM by Senior
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HD44780-LCD driver for STM32F4

Posted on July 02, 2018 at 12:12I am trying to interface an STM32F446RE to an LCD display. Ive tried a number of drivers, but none of them seem to work and I am not getting a display on the screen. The backlight is glowing, which means the power sou...

independant wdog timer cubemx parameters

Posted on July 06, 2018 at 09:24hello every body , i succeeded to  use indep watchdogtimer on stm32f103cb using cubemx just i have one question :clock prescaler affects the timout on which the watchdogtimer will restart so treset the system here 32 ...


AAC codec

Posted on July 05, 2018 at 10:40Hi,I am searching for AAC Codec for STM32F4 but struggling to find anything on anyone point me to a supplier preferably ST. I find stuff at STM for MP3 and WMA but cannot find AAC.I have seen press announce...

SPI sends extra 0x00 packet

Posted on July 05, 2018 at 20:00I'm trying to initialize SPI on STM32F746ZG-nucleo and send some data.When i check with oscilloscope it shows an extra 0x00 packet at the end of each transmission.I can't figure out why, please help.#include ''stm32f7...
