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STM32F103RB DMA issue.

Hi all,I'm using SPI to communicate with an Adafruit 2.8" TFT LCD, (ILI9341 based). This is mostly working fine, I can plot pixels, draw lines, circles fonts etc. So the communication with the display is working. The STM end of things is a Nucleo 64 ...

STM32 FSMC 512x16bit SRAM address mapping

hi, i've some questions regarding the use of 16 bit SRAM with FSMC using AN2784 section 3.3 on SRAM

andrewg by Associate III
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Resolved! STM32F446VCT6 IAP Application Address Data

Hi everyone, I'm developing IAP with stm32f446vct6. In the main function of your example, the application address is checked for 0x20000000 after masking with 0x2FFE0000. However, the f446 reads always the 0x20020000 for the application address and n...