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Assertion fails in stm32f7xx_hal_dma2d.c, function HAL_DMA2D_ConfigLayer() at line 845, assert_param(IS_DMA2D_OFFSET(playerCfg->InputOffset));playerCfg is a pointer to a struct with element LayerCfg[2] in which InputOffset is not initialized and ther...
Checked PWR settings at startup.Find PWR->SR2 status value 0x00000300.According manual this tellsRegulator in Low Power mode (LPR)Flash memory in power downIs this initiated by Keil/ST-Link debugger?Or are there errors in reference manual of register...
On my workstation ​I am facing more and more often crashes of ST-Link debug connection.I am using Keil MDK V5.28 (also tried 5.26, V5.34a...) while running debug e.g. with Nucleo STM32G071 (same problem with Nucleo STM32F091...) debugger stops with m...
Debugger stops despite absolut minimal program (s. picture).Any idea ?​
Using TIM2_TRGO to trigger DAC. That works.​Now want same TIM2_TRGO also to trigger ADC.Is that possible ?Regards Juergen
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