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Forum Posts

How do you design board support drivers?

I have got to implement a board support package for a custom board, and I would like to know your opinion about the different approaches of designing board support drivers. My custom board pupulates an STM32 microcontroller besides other components l...

PPan.19 by Associate
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RTC_HOURFORMAT_24 does not work in L053.

My environment is as follows:CubeMX v4.26.1 with STM32L0 HAL v1.10.0STM32L053C8Txgcc-arm-none-eabi-7-2017--q4-majorI set the RTC with RTC_HOURFORMAT_24. Actual code for the setup was generated by the CubeMX. If I set the clock to 12:59:59 then the R...

extern "C"

Hello everyone, maybe it's a stupid question but in the interrupt handling function I can't rewrite a variable. I'm sure that the interrupt is triggered and assigns a value to rx_counter, read_msg is executed in a loop, but when the value of a variab...

Amrello by Associate
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CAN_Networking code sample

I found CAN_Networking code sample in STM32Cube repository: STM32Cube\Repository\STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.21.0\Projects\STM324x9I_EVAL\Examples\CAN\CAN_Networking. It doesn't run directly on my STM32469I-EVAL board. I have two questions:What is STM324x9I_E...