Is there a way to have spi just send an abnormal number of clock cycles as opposed to just 8 cycles at a time? Is bit banging the only way? Can the LL library be configured or coded to do such a thing?
I am trying to set up a timer go to a one shot timer that goes to the DAC update command (to output data that was written via DMA). I am little confused on how to set everything up. I want to set up timer 1 to go to timer 2 and timer 2 will be a one ...
I have a question with regards to DMA. When I do transfer, do I have to re-transfer once I finished transferring my data to the DAC? I am trying to just have go through the same points over and over again, so it could be a time saver if i could do th...
int main(void)
/* MCU Configuration----------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Reset of all peripherals, Initializes the Flash interface and the Systick. */
In the datasheet, it says that the DAC has left or right data alignment in 12-bit mode. What is this mode supposed to do? Also, it says "8-bit or 10-bit monotonic output". Does that mean in 12 bits, it is no longer monotonic?
Thanks....So I tried doing DMA, but it outputs a random pulse and then nothing happens. I think the values I am feeding it do nothing because the waveform looks the same no matter what. You guys mind taking a look at my code to see what i am doing wr...
Thanks! One more question. If I wanted to do DMA to the DAC, do I write to the DMA buffer instead of the DAC buffer? if I understand correctly, I have to map the DMA stream to the DAC buffer register?
I see, the buffer is something different. I thought the DAC had to go through a buffer. That 200mV offset if pretty big.....I was pretty confused about the trigger. Not sure why you would even use it, but is in in the API and the demo code as well.