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Several years ago we started a project using an F429 main and 8 F413 slaves, communicating over an SPI bus. In 2020 we stopped the project because of too many problems with ST-provided drivers/stacks, especially Ethernet/lwip and USB, and very poor F...
I regenerated files with latest CubeMX and the generated code fails to compile. Regeneration was done to incorporate a few settings changes and the latest pack for this processor; previously code generated was OK. Errors below, and I've attached the ...
Bug: Generated C-compile command line is missing all but first specified include directories.STM32CubeIDE_1.9.0 on Windows 10.Here's where I entered the include directories (using workspace paths to the directories visible in the project): If I look ...
I just downloaded both STM32CubeMX (windows) and I try to install the F4 package, it ask me for confirmation of license, checks license,churns mightly for a long while, and finally says "Problem during Unzip".I confirm...
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